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致在昌外国朋友的信(A Letter to Non-Chinese Citizen Visitors in Changping)  2022-06-14     回龙观资讯中心  








A Letter to Non-Chinese Citizen Visitors 

in Changping


Dear friends,

The recent gathering of people in bars has led to another outbreak of COVID-19 in Beijing, which may even lead to more people contracting the virus on a wider scale. In response to this emergency, the Beijing Municipal Government has taken orderly measures to prevent and control the pandemic. To protect your life and health, we remind you to pay special attention to the following points:

| Please pay attention to the information related to pandemic prevention and control released by the Beijing Municipal Government. If you have recently been to the location of an officially announced, confirmed case or received a pop-up alert from Health Kit (Jiankang Bao), please report it to your community immediately.

| Please cooperate with the community to track of your activity. When you receive a call from the community, you must actively cooperate by providing true and valid personal information, truthfully report your personal activity trajectory, and cooperate in the implementation of all prevention and control measures.

| Please pay attention to self-protection and avoid going to crowded places or participating in group activities as much as possible. If you do need to go to crowded places, please wear a surgical mask, wash your hands, pay attention to ventilation, and keep a social distance from others.

Please cooperate in scanning codes, taking body temperature, and showing negative nucleic acid certificates when entering public places. Protect your own and your family's health, and be responsible for yourself, your family, and society.

Changping is our common home. Let's work together to guard the health and safety of the people living in Changping.


Foreign Affairs Office
Changping District People’s Government of
Beijing Municipality

来源:昌平外事 北京昌平

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